Happy Lunar New Year! ft. Orange & Pineapple Tarts

Happy Lunar New Year from Potato and friends!
The Lunar New Year is widely celebrated here in Singapore and Asia. But regardless of where you come from, we are all potatoes and Potato would like to bless you with good luck and prosperity! May your year ahead be filled with goodness, good health and happiness!

Have you ever wondered how pineapple tarts came to be?

Oranges are VERY busy during the Lunar New Year. (It is a tradition to exchange oranges for red packets) One particular Orange parties way too hard just before the big day every year.

Lastly, Potato would like to share a comic that Potato drew when Life of a Potato just started. The art style has changed over time!

Looking back at this old comic, we have come a long way since the beginning of Life of a Potato! Fun fact: Do you know that the font used in current comics is a font made from Potato's own handwriting? You can make your own online too!
Potato hopes you enjoyed this newsletter and wishes you a very Happy Lunar New Year! *You have been blessed by the Lucky Potato*