Life of a Potato is available for business!
Contact: Ryu at
Services include: Comic creation (Life of a Potato characters or custom character development), Illustrations, Content Creation/Writing, Crossposting on our social media. Coming from Daylight Studios, the game company behind the Holy Potatoes?! IP, we are also open to game and gamification-related projects.
Life of a Potato began as a tiny potato with a vision to spread joy, love, kindness and laughter all over the world. Potato's comics are cute, relatable, heartwarming and often center around the themes of friendship, wellness, kindness and self-care. Sometimes, simply pure comedy, puns and cuteness overload. We create engaging content and our potato followers are grown organically (the only use of GMO was when FB/IG offered free $5 worth of ads which did not make much difference). If you or your business are seeking illustrations or content in a similar direction, do not hesitate to reach out to Potato's creator! (email above)
Past Projects:
Lead Designer of Southeast Asia Go Congress 2019
Wacom SEA Partner
A*STAR Project Illustration (Diet & Nutrition)
Plantopia: The Card Game (Collaboration with Origame)